Houston International Festival 2012 (ifest 2012)

I was at iFest this past Sunday- mostly to support some friends with their group that was performing. The only problem was that despite the cooler than normal temperatures (80’s is considered cool in Houston), there was little in the way of shelter so I am 3 shades darker despite wearing SPF 50 sunscreen and the pictures are not the greatest due to the harsh sunlight. Sometimes you can’t control the elements. It also would have been nice to have press access but I’ll work on that for next year.

Ok, back to the pictures. I mostly stayed with my friend’s Argentinian group but did have a chance to see what else was going on. I stayed away from taking pictures of any music performances because the giant sign at the door said we weren’t allowed to due to contract issues with the bands. I don’t want to digress again, but it’s really their loss. It’s not like the Rolling Stones are playing at the street festival and at best it would be a one hit wonder from 5 years ago or a lesser known band starting out so not having pictures of the show online on blogs and people’s Facebook only hurts them.

ifest 2012

iFest 2012

iFest 2012

iFest 2012

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